Evaluate and Strengthen Your Farm

This training was developed and delivered by Dr. Martin Entz, PhD, Department of Plant Sciences, University of Manitoba. The material is intended to challenge readers to critically evaluate their farm resources, map their farming operation in order to better visualize the farm as a system including the many connections, and strengthen their adaptive learning capacity. 

The material also includes motivations and processes for transition and crop-livestock integration as a tool for sustainable production. The information on these specific production practices complement the systems thinking.

This written material is meant to be used in conjunction with the four recorded presentations.

A Systems Approach to Organic Agricultural Production training was developed as part of the Prairie Organic Development Fund’s Canadian Organic Ingredient Strategy.

Natural Systems Agriculture

The research work conducted by the Natural Systems Agriculture team at the University of Manitoba includes both long-term and short-term studies on organic agriculture. 

Learn More

Lesson Two: Taking Stock of Farm Resources and Planning Processes

Lesson Three: Learning Systems for Organic Agriculture

Lesson Four: Whole Farm Planning with Crop-Livestock Integration

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