Helpful resources to get you started

Successful Production Practices

Crop husbandry, and in turn, weed management are processes that begin long before the crop is seeded. Successful organic farming involves choosing appropriate crops and cultivars, and focusing on soil fertility.

Nutrient Budgeting App

Whether you are an organic producer, transitioning to organic production, or a conventional producer wanting to better understand how legumes in your rotation can help you reduce synthetic nitrogen use, the Nutrient Budgeting App will help you understand the efficiency and flow of nutrients in your fields.

Coming Soon!

Fact Sheets

Helpful Videos

Visit the Pivot and Grow YouTube channel to see what organic grain production can do for you! As we change our perspective, the world around us changes. New insights, more opportunities, and bigger successes all start with a small shift – a pivotal moment. This is what transitioning to organics is all about: taking incremental steps to make a meaningful impact.

Organic Agronomist Training

There is a growing demand for organic grain production information from farmers in the Prairies. This training program, with Dr. Martin Entz, gives agronomists and agrologists the information they need to support and guide organic growers.

Start the Training

Pivot and Grow

Learn how weeds can tell you a lot about soil life. 

Pivot and Grow

Find out how you can ensure the quality of your grains.

Pivot and Grow

Learn how you can get to know your organic farm.

Pivot and Grow

Listen to a grain buyer share how you can produce high quality grains.

Pivot and Grow

Find out how you can measure and maintain your cost of production in organic production.

Pivot and Grow

Learn how you can maintain soil fertility and manage weeds through crop rotation. 

Pivot and Grow

Learn about the benefits of intercropping on organic farms.

Pivot and Grow

Listen to two producers discuss the best ways to manage weeds.

Building Soil Fertility

It all starts with building healthy soil. Successful organic farming is based on using carefully planned multi-year crop rotations and boosting soil organic matter with green manuring and adding compost.

Green Manure Tool Kit

Soil fertility is a primary factor influencing the yield and quality of organic crops and a key to the sustainability of organic farms. Green manures, planted primarily for the purpose of improving soil fertility, are a critical management strategy for Prairie organic farmers. Check out this practical guide to growing green manures.

Use the Tool Kit

Organic Farming Research Foundation

Resources for building soil health in organic farming.

Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada

Resources on soil and nutrient management in organic production.

Grain on the Brain

Learn about taking soil and plant tissue samples and how it can inform management decisions on your farm.

Rural Routes to Climate Solutions

Podcast speakers take you through the process of soil carbon sequestration and explain the impact it can have on agriculture and climate change.

Rural Routes to Climate Solutions

Soil organisms work together as a community breaking down organic matter above ground and converting it into the carbon that is a key element in soil health and fertility.

Organic Farming Research Foundation

This resource explores the role of microorganisms in creating healthy soil ecosystems that benefit organic farms.


Learn a variety of ways that biological activity is measured in soils. 

Massey University

This guide helps with identification of invertebrates by pointing out distinctive characteristics of various invertebrate groups.

Reducing Tillage With Martin Entz

Peace Country Beef & Forage Association​

Martin Entz shares how to reduce tillage in an organic system.

Livestock Integration With Ward Middleton

Peace Country Beef & Forage Association

Explore integrating livestock into an organic system with Ward Middleton.

Building Organic Matter for Healthy Soils


Learn about the attributes of healthy soil, the central role of organic matter, and how to monitor and enhance soil health in organic production.

Nutrient Management for Crops, Soil & The Environment


Four farmers at the OFCM lead transition workshop at Manitoba Ag Days talk about how they maintain fertility.

Regenerative Alberta Living Lab

Learn how to test soil samples to look at the production of scum on the water surface, and how quickly and how much of the sample breaks apart.

Soil Clod Test

Regenerative Alberta Living Lab

If soil structure is not very stable and easily falls apart upon getting wet, then the soil will not be able to maintain functions. This is what is happening when water pools on the surface or is referred to as crusting. The test will illustrate if your soil will fall apart easily or retain its structure.

Managing Weeds

It’s true that weed management is probably the biggest challenge faced by organic producers. While an organic field will never be 100% weed-free, the organic approach involves a suite of techniques to prevent weeds from adversely affecting crop yields.

A Systems Approach to Organic Agricultural Production 

This training is intended to challenge readers to critically evaluate their farm resources, map their farming operation in order to better visualize the farm as a system including the many connections, and strengthen their adaptive learning capacity. 

Start the Training

Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Development

Resource provides multiple weed management and avoidance techniques.

Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada

General organic weed management resources including specific practices and research.

This YouTube video discusses mechanical weed control in organic pulse crops.

Saskatchewan Organic Directorate, 1998

Report by Brenda Frick on the principles of weed management. 

Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada

Production of both conventional and organic flax is difficult because, of all major field crops grown in western Canada, flax is the least competitive with weeds.

Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada

Research report comparing weed density in spelt fall-seeded on flax with mixed crop stubble into tilled or direct seeded plots.

Canadian Journal of Plant Science

Four wheat cultivars were assessed in organically managed monocultures and mixtures to discern if mixtures provided a benefit to grain yield and disease and weed suppression.

Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada

Research results comparing seeding rates of direct crop varieties on weed control.

Designing Crop Rotations

Planning multi-year crop rotations is part of effectively managing weeds and building soil fertility in an organic system.

Manitoba Grazing Exchange

Are you a grain or livestock producer? Check out this resource to develop grazing arrangements in your area! The map displays markers representing contract grazers with herds for hire, as well as locations available for grazing. 

Use the Map

SARE, 2009

This manual provides an in-depth review of the applications of crop rotation-including improving soil quality and health, and managing pests, diseases, and weeds.

Joanne Thiessen Martens, University of Manitoba

Joanne Thiessen Martens, part of the Natural Systems Farming team at the University of Manitoba discusses what can be done to manage nutrients on organic farms in Manitoba.

Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada

This study compares the nutritional quality of organic and conventional produce to determine the role of crop rotation on nutrients.

Canadian Journal of Plant Science

The benefits of a well-planned rotation include lower disease and insect risk, improved soil structure and fertility, increased biological activity in soil, and better economic risk management.

A recorded webinar with Dr. Martin Entz on strategies for designing your organic farming system. 

Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada

Resources on various aspects of crop rotation in organic systems.

Brenda Frick

Brenda Frick discusses systems design for weed management on organic farms.

Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada

An interactive forage species selection tool for Western Canada.

Cover Crops, Green Manures & Intercropping

Effectively integrating cover crops, green manures, and intercropping in your rotation design helps to manage weeds and build diversity and soil fertility.

Natural Systems Agriculture, University of Manitoba

A series of field experiments were established to identify green manure species and management options to maximize N benefit and explore the opportunities to reduce tillage during the green manure phase of an organic rotation.

Natural Systems Agriculture, University of Manitoba

Without the option of chemical control, weeds and diseases can become obstacles to successful crop production. 

Natural Systems Agriculture, University of Manitoba

Green manure crops are cover crops grown specifically to replenish the soil system, typically with N, but also P and other nutrients. 

Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada

Get practical resources and scientific results on intercropping in organic production.

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