Helpful resources to get you started

Planning for Success

No matter what the reason you have chosen to shift to organics, planning is key to a successful transition. Putting time into business planning will help you set up a successful organic enterprise.

Transition Starter Kit

This downloadable kit will get you started on your journey to organic farming and walk you through important things to think about as you transition.

Get Started

Introduction to Certification and Standards

Pivot and Grow

This video provides general information to producers who are interested in learning more about certifying their operations. It provides a general overview of the Canada Organic Standards, general management principles and prohibited substances, certification requirements, labeling and seal usage, and more as it relates to organic vegetable production.

Organic Vegetable Certification 101

Manitoba Organic Alliance

Are you curious about what it would take to transition into organic vegetable production? Maybe you’re part way there already and are farming spray-free. Learn more about what transitioning to organic would look like and if it makes sense for your farm.

Introduction to Certified Organic Production and Record Keeping


This video presents an overview of certified organic production including general principles, certification process, considerations and benefits, production and management implications, record keeping, transitioning options, and support and self-education.

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