We are Pivot and Grow

A Platform for New and Transitioning Organic Farmers

We are here to support farmers looking to find resources, to connect with experts, find organic prices and build marketing relationships. Pivot and Grow is a program of the Prairie Organic Grain Initiative.

The Canadian Organic Ingredient Strategy

In the spring of 2021, the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, the Honourable Marie-Claude Bibeau announced an investment of $297,330 for the Prairie Organic Development Fund to help farmers in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Ontario to improve their business knowledge. Click here to read the release. ​

The Canadian Organic Ingredient Strategy has provided farmers with tools and support to incorporate organic farming practices that help meet the growing demand for organic foods in Canada. This investment has helped PODF develop new tools such as a nutrient budgeting app to optimize crop rotations, to produce new podcasts, videos and fact sheets and to update and expand the Pivot and Grow website, while delivering 76 producer training events (on-line and in-person) in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Ontario. The funding has also helped organic associations to expand their reach and capacity to deliver hybrid on-line and in-person conferences across the Prairies.

The project has helped Canadian farmers benefit from increased knowledge and skills in organic farming methods, which can improve soil health and boost farm resilience in the face of changing markets and climate change.

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Grain Millers Square

The Prairie Organic Grain Initiative

The Prairie Organic Grains Initiative was a four-year program dedicated to achieving resiliency and stability in the prairie organic sector by focusing on increasing the quantity and quality of organic grains, and developing relationships across organic market value chains.

The Initiative was a partnership with several industry stakeholders across the value chain, including Organic Alberta, SaskOrganics, Manitoba Organic Alliance, Certified Organic Associations of British Columbia (COABC), as well as The Canadian Organic Trade Association (COTA), The Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada (OACC), and The Bauta Family Initiative on Canadian Seed Security.

By working together with farmers, researchers, government, NGOs, processors, brokers, buyers, and certification bodies, the Prairie Organic Grain Initiative brought together the organic community across the Prairies to achieve the common goal of resiliency in the sector.

Final Evaluation

farmer with plants sprouting in soil

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