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Discover the Art of Value-Adding

The On-Farm Grain Processing curriculum provides producers who may be interested in adding value to the grains they grow.  While many organic grain farmers add some value by cleaning or bagging their grains, this curriculum is intended for producers who wish to take ownership of the entire value chain by growing, cleaning, further processing and selling their own grains to direct, wholesale or retail markets.

The On-Farm Grain Processing curriculum was written and delivered by Amy Nikkel. Amy is an organic farmer and grain miller from the Interlake region of Manitoba. Bridging the gap between human-scale food production/ consumption and industrial scale agriculture has become a growing focus of the farm, so Adagio Acres also mills small batches of organic lentils, beans, corn, flax, and buckwheat from other organic farms around Manitoba, with an emphasis on reducing on-farm food loss through matching the scale of processing with the needs of the small farms around the province.

Adagio Acres

For nearly a decade, Adagio Acres has been growing naked oats, and then cleaning and milling those oats into a variety of retail and foodservice products. 

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Module One: Is On-Farm Processing a Good Fit for Your Farm?

Module Two: Infrastructure, Operations and Human Resources

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Module Three: Marketing Your Grain Products

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