Helpful resources to get you started

Connect With Organizations in Your Area

There are plenty of organizations across Canada that can help you on your journey to organic production.

Prairie Directory

Get connected to businesses and farmers on the Canadian Prairies.

Prairie Directory

Atlantic Canadian Organic Regional Network

Your source for information on organic food and farming in Atlantic Canada. Since 2000, ACORN has been the key organization for information on organic agriculture, eating organics, and connecting all the parts together. From seed to farmer to consumer, ACORN works to bring the whole picture together–making food choices healthier and more environmentally responsible.

Canada Organic Trade Association

The Canada Organic Trade Association is your guide to the organic world in Canada. COTA specializes and is involved in all regulatory and policy aspects of the Canadian Organic Sector. Membership benefits include technical assistance, discounts on trade events, financial support for export marketing and exclusive member newsletters and industry reports on important issues affecting the sector.

Canadian Organic Growers

COG is Canada’s national organic charity and is a champion for the organic stewardship of land, food and fibre. COG publishes handbooks on organic growing and livestock production and The Canadian Organic Grower magazine. COG hosts training sessions and conferences, works with schools and educates all Canadians about the benefits of organics.

Manitoba Organic Alliance

Manitoba Organic Alliance is a membership driven, non-profit alliance which unites and represents organic associations, farmers, processors, buyers, retailers and researchers in Manitoba. MOA is working to grow the organic sector in Manitoba through networking, education and advocacy.

Organic Alberta

Organic Alberta is a membership driven non-profit association. We represent organics in Alberta and strengthen the organic community through leadership networking, education, communication and advocacy. We are a collaboration of all stakeholders -from consumers to producers and all those in between.

Organic BC

Organic BC is growing the organic movement in British Columbia from the ground up. Our grassroots network of organic certifiers, farmers, processors and consumers is working to build healthy soil, ecosystems, people and communities. Together, we’re raising the standards for organic agriculture and transforming agriculture’s impact on the planet.

Organic Council of Ontario

OCO is the Voice for Organics in Ontario. A membership-based non-profit association that represents Ontario’s organic sector, OCO works and advocates on behalf of the entire organic industry, from field to plate.

Organic Federation of Canada

The OFC manages the Standards Interpretation Committee, coordinates the review of the Canadian Organic Standards, supports organic research and co-manages, the first Canadian organic input brand name directory. Grow organic food for all Canadians and for the planet!


SaskOrganics is a farmer-led umbrella organization for the organic sector in Saskatchewan. We advocate for a sustainable and thriving organic community through leadership in research, market development and communications. We promote strategic alliances to further the goals of the organic community and represent the interests of the organic community to government, other agencies and organizations.

Young Agrarians

Young Agrarians is a grassroots initiative made up of agriculturalists and media conspirators, intent on growing food sustainably.

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